ICE CYL Internationalization
The Internationalization Department of the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICECYL) works closely with the business community of Castilla y León. Our goal is to provide tools that facilitate the internationalization of companies and increase their presence abroad. Our main areas of action to support companies in their internationalization process are: international promotion, attracting investments, awareness and information, training, foreign network and financing. Some of these services include:
We provide guidance on international markets, legal procedures, financing and other aspects related to export and import.
We offer training programs so that companies acquire the necessary skills to operate in foreign markets.
We organize trade missions, fairs, business meetings and other activities to promote the presence of Castilla y León companies abroad.
We facilitate access to financing programs and subsidies for internationalization projects.
We also help to establish relationships with other companies, institutions and international organizations, including investors.
Supporting Companies at International Fairs
The Institute for Business Competitiveness of the Government of Castilla y León (ICECYL) provides support to companies in the region to
participate in national and international fairs. This support is materialized through various initiatives, such as:
ICECYL organizes and coordinates the participation of companies from Castilla y León in international fairs, providing them with a stand, promotional materials and other logistical support. This allows companies to showcase their products and services to a broader audience and connect with potential customers and partners.
ICECYL offers financial aid to companies to cover the costs of participating in fairs, such as travel expenses, accommodation and stand fees. This assistance can be especially useful for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) with limited resources.
ICECYL promotes the participation of companies from Castilla y León in fairs through various channels, such as its website, social networks and publications. This helps to publicize the region’s offering and attract potential visitors to the stands of participating companies.
ICECYL provides training and workshops to companies on how to participate effectively in fairs. This includes topics such as stand design, marketing materials and sales techniques. This training can help companies make the most of their investment in trade show participation.
ICECYL facilitates networking opportunities for companies that participate in fairs. This includes the organization of events and access to online platforms where companies can connect with potential clients, partners and investors.
Contact Us
"*" señala los campos obligatorios
Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León
Área de Promoción Internacional / International Promotion Area
Calle de Jacinto Benavente, 2, 47195
Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid
Tel. +34 983 324 152