
Our solution tackles the challenge of efficiently cooling the excess heat from servers and making it easier for users to reuse it. We’ve created a modular data center infrastructure in the form of a pod that contains servers that release excess heat and convert it into hot water.

The pod can be installed in locations where heating is needed, such as in a building, while the servers function as nodes handling workloads. Within the pod, servers are submerged in a pool of high-purity dielectric liquid with high heat capacity. This ensures efficient absorption of the released heat and reduces the energy required to maintain the servers at a working temperature.

The heat exchanger then converts the excess heat into hot water, which can be used as a standalone heating unit or integrated into existing heating systems. The process is highly efficient, capturing over 96% of the energy consumed by the server as hot water.

Contact name: GONZALO GARCIA


Address: Polígono Industrial de Valcorba (Soria) Nave nido nº 12

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