Ibéricos Guillén

Acorn Fed 100% Iberian Ham: Product obtained from the hind legs of 100% Iberian breed pigs fed exclusively on acorns from our own pastures. Natural curing time: +48 months. Very light salting process.


Acorn Fed Iberian Loin: Made from the loin of the Iberian acorn-fed pig, seasoned with spices (garlic, paprika and oregano), stuffed into pork intestines and cured in natural drying sheds for approximately 6 months. When cut, it has a veined and juicy appearance


Acorn Fed Iberian Chorizo: Made with selected lean and marbled meat from acorn-fed Iberian pigs, kneaded with selected spices (paprika, garlic and oregano) and stuffed into natural pork casings and cured in natural drying sheds for approximately 6 months.


Acorn Fed Iberian Salchichon: Made with selected lean meat and fat from acorn-fed Iberian pigs, stuffed into natural pork casings and seasoned with spices (pepper and nutmeg). Cured for 6 months in a completely natural way.


Quality and Tradition, Our Passion